Back in year 2000, a children's show used to be aired on Sony(as far as I can remember) called Heidi. It was an animated series based on the namesake book.
I was quite grown up by then, in my mid teens and I was IN LOVE with the series. Everything about the show was awesome. I strongly feel that it provided me with a sense of calm in my otherwise stressful years of 11th and 12th, the acad rigor and then the earth quake aftermath.
I loved the slow European rural mountain life depicted in the show - the cattle rearing, cheese making, curd churning life.
So today I learned two things:
> This genre is referred to as "Cottagecore".
> The opening sequence of the show was done by none other than Miyazaki !!
And thats why Arietty reminded me of Heidi :)