Sunday, October 13, 2024

In the lap of nature

I understand why we associate the mountains with the divine. I totally agree too.

I'd rather look at mountains from down below than look down from them. I mean, I like when I am there, but the process of reaching there is...... meh.

Friday, October 04, 2024


I am now the kacchi poodi whenever I join the boys for badminton. 

They are always quite gracious about it though.

And very cute :)

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Beware the jabberwock

I have too many incomplete projects. Even V has given up nudging me to complete them :|
The thing is, I've kind of started the mural in their bedroom. But a half done mural is an eyesore. I am really thankful of the fact that the boys are not mad at me. 


All geared up for this sunday. yay :)

On a related note, its really difficult trying to twist my words so that I know what I am writing about without giving too much away!

What is the evolutionary benefit in having a penchant for the arts? I am not just talking about the ability to create one, but even appreciating art. Because these two features do not necessarily co-exist in an individual. 
Should i ask GPT? or claude? gemini?

A long time ago(well ... about 15 years ago), in the glory days of the internet, there was the jabberwock.(oh.. now i want to read the poem!)  I do not know the tech behind it, but it seemed incredulous at the time. I used to try and see if there really was a person behind it. there were theories, that it makes two people talk to each other and makes them both wonder.. lol..

I once read that because most advances in technology are incremental, they fail to really impress us folks who are now used to new advances every now and then. The example they gave was that if Shakespeare somehow saw a computer screen, he would be impressed by the bright hard paper that lets you write and erase easily. But he wont be shocked, because its still English

On the other hand, by a very contradictory chain of thoughts, I believe that many of the tech we have now will fail to impress a person 75 years ago because they do not recognize the need for it.

I need to give it more thought. but running out of time. T needs to be driven to his drum classes. 

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Of coffee and meetups

Just like with food, maybe human beings have a not null but finite requirement for social engagements. And just like with food, social activities also come in multiple flavors. Some folks arent so picky, they make do with whatever they've got, wherever they can get it from. Others, who have grown used to abundance of social opportunities, have developed peculiar, refined tastes. And just like food, there can be too much of a good thing. Like the dessert you just dont want to have because you've had your fill with the main course. 

Lol.. am I hungry right now?


Yesterday, the solutions for wordle and plusword were same - cloud. Now what are the odds for that?