Friday, July 19, 2019

The tortoise, hare, fox and hedgehog. And everyone else.

Now and then there is a conversation so deep and meaningful that it stays with you long after. Now and then you catch yourself thinking and mulling over it.  I like such conversations… Even when I am only listening to two individuals talk, as long as the talk is civil, intelligent, deep and has an element of fun. They give me space and opportunity to think about things from a distance. After two of such conversations, I thought and found that I could understand myself better when I classify myself circumstantially – sometimes tortoise and mostly hare, mostly fox and seldom hedgehog.
There are things I don’t want to think about, rabbitholes I am too scared to enter. One of them is “meaning of life”, my own life. What is my purpose? Is it possible (or even preferable) to break from my biological dispositions and succumb to making my own individual being as the pivot of all major life decisions? Do I have any free will or is it just an illusion and we are all pre-programmed and pre-destined to play our parts in the story of life? Has this story gone off script and we are all still scurrying towards doom, too blinded by our primitive and tribal instincts to even see it?

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