Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Monday, December 29, 2008

Foggy Foggy Day

The most foggy day i have ever seen yet.. the most.. I mean there wasnt any scope for more fog.. 

It is awesome.

Gonna post pictures. Later

Friday, December 26, 2008

Year of the rat

2008 is coming to an end..

It has been a really funny year.. really ajeeb. unexplainable..
Started sad.. went down even lower.. 
and then when I had almost given up all hope on life I landed in Mumbai..
got surprised, surprised myself, lost sense, found sensibility..
Times after that hav mostly been disturbed by external events.. 
And now m living in a strange world. almost unimaginable for somebody who grew up shielded from terror and economic uncertainty


and it was supposed to be the year of the rat.. same as my birth year.. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Once upon a time there was this small hamlet called Roseville.
A happy place where poeple lived farming, tending to their sheep, growing flowers and fruits.. 
The kids had ample of space and time to play. The women had enough time to gossip naughty tid bits at the village well and enough sensibility to not be malacious. The men liked to sing and dance. 
A happy community.

Then they heard of the nearby village being ravaged by a two faced monster called recession. The happy people got scared. They went to the village elders. Maybe they could help.

The elders listened to their problems. Smiled a little and said - Do not worry children. This monster only attacks the greedy and shortsighted ones.

End of story

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Homesick :(

Another Christmas approaching.. With the Happy New Year not so far ahead. 
New Year eves hav always been special for me.. 

All four of us sitting together, cooking, eating, talking, laughing.. Enjoying the togetherness.. 
Wonderful experience. Sacrosanct. 
I used to shut out everybody else.. No calls taken, none made. 
yeah .. not even B'day wishes :)
And I dont regret that at all. 

Sadly I wont be that lucky this year.. :| 
Dont know what to do..
Damn it. Last time it happend I was in final year of college.. and we made it up with celebrating it later.

Anyways.. I was thinking of a new year wishlist.. Will keep on adding items to it.. 

1. Please make this slowdown go away.
2. A little peace. No attacks. (or wars)
3. ..


A good book

Monday, December 22, 2008

A fight later

The thoughts in my mind today cannot be expressed in words..

More apt to be expressed as a melody than in any human language. And since I cant read or write music, I will try to explain it. 

Its a symphony
Begins with some vigorous violin
Some electrical music
A happy din
Which slowly turns into soft music.. with beats.. yeah beats..

Never ending.

Weekend was a breeze. Got the perfect pair that I was searching for.. Had the yummiest cheesecake.. 
and a good time.. more like a gud tyme

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Why so scared ?

You know, one ideal role for me would be - playing cupid.(I said role.. !) 
Its a good position. Work would be highly satisfying (yeah). 
The in hand component would not be very high, but the benefits are great.(good opportunity to learn flying)
Work environment is good. (golden bows and arrows)
And the work is highly challenging. Very tough actually. Lots of obstacles.

Fact 1: Majority of the girls have a soft corner for a guy who professes his feelings for them.
Fact 2: Majority of the guys get scared ****less at the very thought of proposing a girl. The strong type merely experience profuse sweating ,increased hearbeats and an unexplainable stammering which eventually turns everything they say into incoherent rantings. Others avoid the girl with a 200 yard stick. 
Fact 3: The girls hate it when the guy acts cowardly - the pining-lover-who-doesnt-say-anything type. 

See.. lots of obstacles.. A really challenging job indeed.

Inference - If you like someone - go and tell them. Will make the job easier. 


another list


and hugh grant..

yeah.. thats what..

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Of flicks and dropped candies


Imperium got over.. 
So did Eleusis..
And thats that.

And.. once again we launched a mission to find a perfect pair.. didnt :) Found an awesome sweater for him instead.. Good find. 

What else.. good dinner.. Really good one actually. 

The best thing - Laughed a lot. 
And then.. yeah, as the title says - some flicks and dropped candy beans.. ;)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Quiz, dance. tambola, dance, run

Tonight I danced in the best discotheque 
having the best ambience
the best lighting 

Under the stars..
Totally champu songs - the hawa hawa and chhamma chhamma types 

yeah.. Just another thing that you cant do anywhere else but in college :D
oh no I am not getting sentimental.. 

But.. yeah. i will sure miss it.

And I played the quiz master today. Another first for me.. :)
An easier set of questions would have suited the teams better. I thought I was easy already. 
Anyways.. it went fairly well.. Will sleep happliy now.
For now that is. Tomorrow is another day.

Lots to do.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Living every moment

Actually, I have observed that in such situations, I live in the moment.

Planning for very very short term..


But effective.

And then..

There are people who talk
there are people who listen
and there are people who keep on talking

Why dont they ever understand.. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

glub lub ub b..

I fell asleep in the library today.. ( for about 3 minutes)
Not a fact that I am proud of.

But I was tired. Really tired.

And m tired now. Wanna sleep. 

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


"I love deadlines. I like the whoosing sound they make as they fly by."
Douglas Adams

Phew.. And the worst part is that there seems to be no cool down period till end of december !! 

Saturday, December 06, 2008

So how did I end up here?

Really.. how?

First of all let me state that I have come across some ultimately extraordinary people in my life. Somehow MNIT was full of them. There are a few (few) here too.. 
Now these are really talented, intelligent and thoughtful people. Those who have a mind of their own, and are capable of having genuine opinions and thoughts. 
But somehow, most of them (us??) are unsatisfied with their lives. Its not what we wished for and wanted. What went wrong? 
Did we dream beyond reality, or am I being too hasty in passing judgements? maybe in the longer run things will be as they are supposed to be. 
Everybody gets what they want..

yeah, right !! o_O

By the way.. I just came back from a 5 hour shopping trip. fruitless. Couldnt find a single pair that fits. Damn it. Just got the shoes today.
Most of the stores simply dont believe in storing formal wear for women! 
Shameless pigs !


We did not eat in the restaurent with the lily leaves..
And he left early in the morning.. didnt get to see the beach in sunshine.

Bring back Shin Chan

Stanley Kubrick
Rubick's cube
Six sides of a die
Chinese checker
lyzol (!)
Head and Shoulder's
Bacteria ( Fungus??)
Lacto bacillus
marinate (yum :) )
Diet (parliament wala)
Japan (? pukka?)
Shin Chan (Bring him back)

Hm.. Bring back shin chan. Please..

If u think its not suitable for kids, then give him an 'A' ka rating..

I will miss him :(

Friday, December 05, 2008


Post exams emptiness.. Lots of work to do. But the momentum's missing :|
The new term begins on Monday. Doesn't feel so though. I still have to clear out last term's notes from my folder. I think I am going to stick to my loose pages notes practice. Feels grown up. yeah right.. I know I border on being totally nuts..

Watched a really stupid movie yesterday. Surprisingly enjoyed it. Not bad for a 4.6 on IMDB. And that is the first time I ever liked high cheek bones on a guy. He looked great. I guess that's where the business suit wearing semi-mobster look originated. :)

And yes.. we have almost dropped the idea for now. Arpita said it pains more in winters. So, later.. I gave it a lot of thought and found that I am not even sure I am going to like it. I guess I just want some change.. hehe.  But for now,  no piercings.. 

The decision to not go out for dinner was a conscious one. I know they are innocent. But, I just couldn't think of a reason to go. Tath is different. I know her. That's not the case here. I cant stand indifference anymore.

Daily ritual now: Pick up the newspaper, get even more angry and frustrated, throw it away.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Strike five

Over with yet another exam..
yet another term..

And that means 5/6 ..

Mood still not at its best. I believe we should declare war. If not now, then when?

And yes.. a silent tribute to those innocent people who lost their lives..

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Tea with milk and a pinch of satire

Excellent lesson.. 
One of the most useful. (I hope I dont have to use it ever)

While I sip this cup of tea,
somewhere around - 

anger resides,
pretension thrives
memories of good times fade into a grey cloud

people joke and laugh
with anger within

What more now?

Really disappointed..
She was right after all..

Nobody is a friend here.. You just have acquaintances.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Both sides

Tears and fears and feeling proud
To say I love you right out loud
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds
Ive looked at life that way

- Joni Mitchell'se 1969 song "Both sides now"

And yes, despite all the guitar and songs and music around... I still have to write today's comp and ben paper. 
Yup exams still on.. :|

The day I nicked a guitar

Acquired : A six string
Learnt: sa ra ga ma
mastered: mmm .. nothing yet :D


Chelsea lost :(